99 Names Of Allah

The 99 Names of Allah: English, Urdu, and Arabic Versions

Table of Contents

The 99 Names of Allah, known as “Asma-ul-Husna” (أسماء الله الحسنى) in Arabic, are a profound reflection of the attributes of God in Islam. Each name encapsulates a unique aspect of Allah’s nature, and together, they offer a comprehensive understanding of the Divine. In this blog post, we present a detailed guide to these sacred names, including their Arabic versions, pronunciations, English meanings, and Urdu translations.

Why the 99 Names of Allah Are Important

The 99 Names of Allah hold significant spiritual value in Islam. These names are not merely words but carry deep meanings that can guide a believer’s life and strengthen their connection with the Creator. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the importance of these names by saying: “Allah has 99 names, and whoever memorizes them will enter Paradise” (Sahih Bukhari).

Reciting and reflecting on these names can lead to spiritual growth, a deeper understanding of God’s nature, and a more profound sense of peace and contentment in life.

The 99 Names of Allah: Full List with English and Urdu Translations

Below is the complete list of the 99 Names of Allah, presented in a table format for easy reference. The table includes the Arabic names, their pronunciations, English translations, and Urdu meanings.

How to Utilize the 99 Names of Allah in Daily Life

1. Recite the Names Daily

  • Incorporate the 99 Names into your daily prayers and meditation. Reciting them can bring about inner peace and a closer relationship with Allah.

2. Understand and Reflect on Their Meanings

  • Each name of Allah has a deep meaning that can guide your actions and thoughts. Reflect on these meanings to better align your life with the principles of Islam.

3. Teach the Names to Others

  • Share this knowledge with family, friends, and community members to spread the spiritual benefits of knowing Allah’s names.

4. Use the Names in Prayers

  • Invoke specific names of Allah in your prayers to seek His guidance, mercy, and blessings in particular aspects of your life.


The 99 Names of Allah are a treasure of spiritual knowledge and guidance. By understanding and reciting these names, Muslims can deepen their relationship with Allah and find greater peace and purpose in life. This guide is a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to explore and benefit from the Asma-ul-Husna.

May Allah grant us the wisdom to understand His beautiful names and the strength to live according to their meanings. Ameen.


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